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by Michel BAUWENS



(the inter-subjective)

-- part 1--


4.1 human cultures and intersubjectivity (general topics)








4.2 intersubjective cultural domains 




- KNOWLEDGE CULTURE (Epistemology/Episteme's)






subtopic: left vs. right










**subtopic: equality vs hierarcy

**subtopic: the concept of progress

**subtopic: Utopia


- POPULAR CULTURE (and other intersubjective inequalities)

- RACIAL CULTURE (and other intersubjective inequalities)













**subtopic: (conceptions of) the future and futurism

**subtopic: conceptions of history

- 4.3 philosophical cultures, by geography/civilisation












Northern Europe




- 4.4 philosophical culture and conceptions, by historical epoch


























related philosophies




related philosophers



other contemporary philosophies/philosophers



- 4.5 philosophical topics and disciplines




- 4.6 key historical events and their interpretation

- MAY '68

- 4.7 religious and spiritual cultures (by region)


- 4.8 (histories of) religious and spiritual cultures











- 4.9 religious and spiritual topics









 - 4.1 human cultures (general)


 - The Evolution of InterSubjectivity. By Sean Hargen

(work in progress cited by Christian de Quincey, "tracks previous explorations in the fields of
phenomenology, existentialism, psychology, linguistics, and 'dialogue philosophers')"

 - I and Thou. Martin Buber. Scribners, 1958.

 - Trésors : Anthropologie analytique de la valeur . de Christian Geffray

(Ce livre est consacré à l'opposition de deux pôles de la vie sociale. D'un côté la ferveur de la foi,
du serment et des fidélités où s'atteste la dignité des hommes: leur valeur subjective. D'un autre
la circonspection des calculs où se détermine la valeur relative des biens, qui mettent en oeuvre
des procédures indifférentes à l'honneur et parfois suspectes, comme telles, d'indignité. -
L'opposition entre l'honneur et l'intérêt est un trait universel de la vie sociale. Sa forme varie dans
le temps et dépend de l'histoire des hommes, mais son principe échappe à l'Histoire et relève du
langage et des lois de la parole. - Plus précisément, cet antagonisme reflète l'existence de deux
organisations langagières distinctes, deux discours universels et irréductibles l'un à l'autre, au
sens précis que Jacques Lacan donne au concept de « discours ». - La nature de ces discours
sera mise en lumière avec la présentation de fragments de la vie sociale des Yanomami, des
Trobriandais et de quelques autres... - Quatre études anthropologiques prolongent cette réflexion
sur la Mort, la générosité, le don et le sacré, et l'invention de la monnaie. )

 - PERSONS IN RELATION  Macmurray, John

(In this second volume of his Gifford Lectures, Scottish philosopher John Macmurray attempts to
show that the form of the personal life is determined by the mutuality of personal relationships, so
that the unit of human life is not the "I" alone, but the "You and I". )

 - Dominique Lestel.  Les origines de la culture. Flammarion 2002

("Ceci conforte les points de vue de nombreux éthologues et socio-philosophes, notamment en
France Frédéric Joulian et Dominique Lestel (dont nous commenterons prochainement dans
cette revue le livre passionnant Les origines de la culture. Flammarion 2002) : il n'y a sans doute
pas de différences fondamentales entre les sociétés de primates d'aujourd'hui et celles des
premiers hominiens. On étend d'ailleurs la réflexion à d'autres sociétés, celles de certains
oiseaux et des cétacés par exemple. La question reste par contre entière : pourquoi l'évolution
des sociétés d'hominiens a-t-elle divergé de celles des autres espèces animales à cultures
voisines ? Deux autres questions secondaires se posent d'ailleurs : qu'étaient les sociétés
animales des ancètres des grands singes il y a 3 millions d'années, et en quoi les sociétés
aborigènes actuelles ont-elles évolué par rapport à celles des premiers hominiens ? - Automates

 - Sampson, Edward E. (1993). Celebrating the Other: A Dialogic Account of
Human Nature. Westview Press.

 - Stern, Daniel - The Interpersonal World of the Infant: A View from
Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology - New York, Basic Books,

 - Cornelis Castoriadis. The Imaginary Institution of Society. Trans. Kathleen
Blamey. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press and Cambridge, England: Polity Press,
1987. 418pp.

 - Francis Fukuyama. Trust: the social virtues and the creation of prosperity.
New York Free Press, 1995.

(the classic on 'social capital')

        subtopic: contemporary cultural themes


 - Charles Sykes. A Nation of Victims. (cited by Wilber)

 - Derek Van Cleef, When Victims Rule the World. Houghton-Mifflin, 2001
(cited by Wilber)


 - Rupert Sheldrake. Natural Grace : Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and
the Soul in  Spirituality and Science w/Matthew Fox), Doubleday, 1996

 - Matthew Fox. Creation Spirituality.

(advocates new spiritual relationship to nature, away from the dominion paradigm)

 - René Passet . L'économique et le vivant

("un économiste extrêmement pertinent" - rec Multitudes)

 - Clément Rosset.  "l'antinature" éd PUF (quadrige). 

("un survol des apories du concept de nature en philosophie et une réfutation de la distinction 
artifice/nature." - rec Multitudes)

 - J.-L. Nancy, "Etre singulier pluriel" (Paris: Galilee, 1996).

("There is one text of a philosophical order that deals with ecology in the context of "ecotechnics,"
and also has the merit of being extremely apposite in the current context of global war and bodies
of in/security. I am thinking of Jean-Luc Nancy's essay, "Guerre, Droit, Souverainete--Techne,"
composed at the time of the first Gulf War. This marvellous text is included in: J.-L. Nancy, "Etre
singulier pluriel" (Paris: Galilee, 1996)." - rec Multitudes)

 - Strongly recommended by Multitudes is author Hans Jonas

 -  "Le Contrat  Naturel ". Michel Serres

("absolument sensas" - Multitudes)

      extra: Serge Moscovici (rec Multitudes)

 - Serge Moscovici.  "essai sur l'histoire humaine de la nature".  Paris :
Flammarion, 1977

("a en sociologue abordé la question des rapports avec la nature, sous l'angle historique (histoire
des idées, mais aussi des faits sociaux)" - rec Multitudes)

-Moscovici, Serge (Hommes domestiques et hommes sauvages [Texte
imprimé] ; [Le Marxisme et la question naturelle] ; [Quelle unité de l'homme ?]
/ Serge Moscovici. - Paris : C. Bourgois, 1979

 - Moscovici, Serge Réenchanter la nature [Texte imprimé] : entretiens avec
Pascal Dibie / Serge Moscovici. - La Tour-d'Aigues : Éd. de l'Aube

(Texte des entretiens diffusés par France culture au cours de l'émission "A voix nue")

 - Moscovici, Serge. La société contre nature [Texte imprimé] / Serge
Moscovici. - Ed. rev. et corr. par l'auteur. - Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 1994


 - Maria Doria Russell. The Sparrow + sequel Children of God.

("the author is a paleoanthropologist, she has performed extensive fieldwork in Australia and
Croatia. Father Godfrey describes The Sparrow as "theological science fiction that chronicles the
experiences of Puerto Rican Jesuit linguist Emilio Sandoz's journeys to a planet from which
strange music came. The novel plumbs the depths of understanding others, understanding
oneself, and understanding God--if such understandings are possible in the face of evil.")


 - The Politics of Nonviolent Action. By Gene Sharp

("My own research began in the 1960s with a preoccupation about these matters. How could one
not simply oppose and denounce war and violence, but also get rid of it? That seemed to me an
important question. And it seemed clear to me that violence and war were often used rationally to
conduct a conflict and to gain certain objectives. If some of those objectives are non-compromise
issues, then one possibility might be to find another means of conducting the conflict that was not
violence and was not war. Such an alternative way of conducting conflicts in fact existed. This
other technique for conducting acute conflicts had been called by a variety of names; I chose at
the time to call it nonviolent action. I spent quite a few years on such questions as "What is that
technique of struggle, and what is its theory of power? What are its methods, what is something
of its history, how does it operate in conflicts against violently repressive regimes? And if it does
succeed, why does it succeed and how -- what are its mechanisms of change?" And that inquiry
became the book.")

 - Bill Ury. The Third Side:

("An excellent summary book on conflict resolution strategies in a global setting . He is very
experienced in working around the world.  It is interesting to note that as a cultural anthropologist,
much of his perspective come out of observing dispute resolution techniques in indigenous
cultures.  It is entitled "The Third Side."  It is more of a report out to lay people than a deeply
instructive book for lay people, but I believe it has a pretty good bibliography." postconpol )

 -  Pearce, Barnett & Littlejohn, Stephen: Moral conflict - When social worlds
collide. 1997.

("deals with deep-rooted value-based conflicts and draws quite  heavily on Robert Kegan's work
-  One of the consequences of this pattern is increased conflict and, as I have been arguing, an
increased sensitivity to our differences.  This is why I believe we need to switch from discourses
about solutions to discourses about creating sensitive dialogues. For those who are interested in
this theme, I recommend this book" - postconpol)

 - J.Y. Fraser's 1999 book "Time, Conflict and Human Values" (University of
Illinois Press. Urbana and Chicago)


 - Bowling Alone: the collapse and revival of American community. By R.
Putman. Simon & Schuster, 2000.

(on invididualism vs community in the U.S., based on sociological research which showed the
increasing numbers of people 'bowling alone' rather than in group as was done in the past, hence
the title)


 - Nicole Lapierre, Claudine Attias-Donfut et Martine Segalen, Le nouvel
esprit de famille, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2002, 279 p

(about family life today)

 - The Interpersonal World of the Infant. I.D. Stern. Basic Books, 1985.


 - Human Dynamics by Sandra Segal from Pegasus Press

("Based on extensive research around the world, people process experience in terms of a certain
order of these three modalities with six different variations, and are hard wired from birth to do
this.  How one learns, relates to others in a group, the type of personality one has, etc relate to
these foundational aspects of a person.  This is important for people who are deeply grounded in
developmentalism as most of us are on this list serve and it reflects your core themes. rec John
Kesler, postconpol)


 - Margaret Archer  Culture and Agency: the place of culture in social theory
(Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

(an important book on the relation between cultural space and social theory)

 - Julian H. Steward, Theory of Cultural Changes: the methodology of
multilinear evolution (Chicago, USA: University of Illinois, 1973).

 - Abraham Moles, Sociodynamique de la culture (Paris, France: Mouton,

 - Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Culture (New York, USA: Basic Books.


Conscious Conversation . HEINZ ZIMMERMANN

(All human activity, whatever the size of the community, is group activity. It depends upon the
ability of human beings to work together consciously in language.
This book addresses the question of such group conversations, especially those intended to
arrive at decisions and/or insights. Rather than using the dynamics of group psychology, the
author starts from the artistic aspects of language and consciousness. Using many examples and
anecdotes taken from experience, he shows what can go wrong and why. )

 - 4.2 Intersubjective cultural


  - Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity_. New
York: Verso, 1995.

(Does it matter that we spend substantial portions of our lives in a netherworld of highways,
airports, supermarkets and shopping malls? Are these just liminal moments between other events
and places that have more meaning to us, or do these sites warrant some attention in their own
right? Marc Auge's _Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity_ elevates
the ATM machine, the airport lounge and the superhighway to the status of high theory through a
discussion of the interrelationship (and dissociation) of space, culture, and identity. Along the
way, Auge takes anthropology beyond its sometimes theoretically moribund fascination with the
borders between tradition and alterity, pre-modern and modern, and authenticity and
commodification. Instead, %non-place% is the very nexus of raw and undistilled advanced
capitalism, space shorn of all its cultural and social polysemy.)

 - La Cite a travers l'histoire. Lewis Mumford. Seuil, 1961

(a classic on urbanism)


 - Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet, and the Enlightenment: By
Emma Rothschild. Harvard University Press, 353 pages, $45.00

("Should you care about the Enlightenment? Yes, you should, and more than alittle, says Emma Rothschild, the
distinguished British economist. In Economic Sentiments, Rothschild reinterprets the Enlightenment by
breathing new life into Adam Smith, Jacques Turgot, and a fellow named Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat,
somewhat better known as the marquis de Condorcet. In her delicate and captivating portraits of these
Enlightenment figures, Rothschild reveals an intellectual world of skepticism, reason, and hopefulness about the
human condition. The best thinkers of the era showed a strong sympathy with the needs and aspirations of
ordinary people. ")

 - Worldly Goods: A New History of the Renaissance by Lisa Jardine 

("Jardine argues that the market and people's purely commercial urges drove the Renaissance
(the biggest development in Western culture outside of beach volleyball). As a summary of the
book at puts it, "It was an urge to own, a ceaseless quest for new horizons and
exotic treasures, that fueled the cultural output of the Renaissance." Recommended by

 - Arrighi, Giovanni. The Rise and Fall of Economic Growth: a study in
contemporary thought. Univ. of Chicago, 1984. (recommended

 - Alessandro Pandolfi. Genealogie et dialectique de la raison mercantiliste.
Paris: l'Harmattan, 1996.

(recommended Negri)

 -  "La Barbarie douce", Jean-Pierre Le Goff

(une denonciation  des actuelles dérives "totalitaires" de la modernisation aveugle des
entreprises et de l'école. Pour comprendre l'origine de ce "nouveau totalitarisme", il refuse
d'emblée de se contenter des explications traditionnelles par la mondialisation et la "dictature des
marchés" puisque c'est bien de la domination totale de la logique économique sur le travail,
l'école, la santé, la culture dont il faut rendre compte. C'est la facilité, l'évidence avec laquelle
cette violence folle s'est imposée qu'il veut interroger. Sa nouveauté radicale suffisant à montrer
qu'elle ne va pas de soi. - Jean Zin)

 -  Blaug, Mark, Great Economists since Keynes, An Introduction to the Lives
and Works of One Hundred Modern Economists, Barnes & Noble Books,
Totowa, NJ, 1985

 - Frédéric Lebaron, La croyance économique. Les économistes entre
science et politique. Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 2000, 260 p.

(Voici un livre qui vient en complément à ceux qui précèdent. En fait, Lebaron présente une
critique très bien documentée du champ de l'économie. La critique est très importante dans le
cadre actuel des débats opposant le discours unique et les alternatives sociales à ce discours.)

 - Serge Latouche, La déraison de la raison économique, Albin Michel, 2001

 - David S. Landes, Richesse et pauvreté des nations, Albin Michel, 2000

(Histoire du développement économique. La géographie est déterminante (trop de chaleur tue
l'effort), le développement nécessite une certaine dose de protectionnisme dans la phase de
décollage, importance décisive de la culture, des valeurs de travail, d'invention, de liberté et, par
dessus tout l'importance du calcul, de la rationalité, de l'horloge. )

 - Todd G. Buchoz. New Ideas from Dead Economists: an introduction to
modern economic thought. New York: Penguin USA, 1999. (sd bib)

 - Deleule, Didier Hume et la naissance du libéralisme  économique Aubier 

 - Keen, Steve (2001): Debunking Economics. The Naked Emperor of the
Social Science, Pluto & Zed: Annandale & London


  - Creation Spirituality. Matthew Fox

(we need  a spirituality that does not say that man is the lord of nature, and thus a reform of the
judeo-christian heritage, hence a 'creation spirituality')

 - Reenchanter la nature. Serge Moscovici. Entretiens avec Pascal Dibie.
l'Aube, 2001.

("fondateur, inventeur et precurseur de l'ecologie politique; est au mouvement  ecologiste en
France ce que Marcuse fut a Mai 68; son oeuvre s'enracine dans la joie (au sens de Spinoza),
propose un complet renversement de valeurs, et debouche sur une metaphysisque de la
responsabilite" - highly recommended by Nouvel Observateur. Author also of "De la Nature, pour
penser l'ecololgie" - Metaille)

 - Pour un catastrophisme eclaire. Quand l'impossible est certain. Jean-Pierre
Dupuy. Seuil.

(key work of the contemporary era, in which climatic and other systemic catastrophes have
become a near-certainty. The author says that we have to go beyond the philosophies of risk, as
explained by  Ulrich Beck, towards philosophies which start from the certainty of catastrophe, and
integrate this in their thinking)


 - Clifford Sharp.  "The origin and evolution of human values", 1997

("Law [which is respected] is not a set of formalized rules which people obey blindly but rather is
the formalization of generally accepted `values' about which most people agree" )

 - Jonas, Hans.  Imperative of Responsibility: In Search of an Ethics
for the Technological Age. 1985

 - Scott, Charles. The Question of Ethics: Nietzsche, Foucault, Heidegger.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990. York: Verso (1992)

 - The Culture of Morality: Social Development, Context, and Conflict by Elliot

(William Bennett had better beware! The claim that Bennett and other neoconservatives have
made so much of--that America is in moral decline--has attracted a relentless new critic.
Challenging the key terms in this widely accepted claim, Turiel argues that an authentic morality
not only can survive breaks with communal traditions but often demands such ruptures. Among
civil rights leaders of the 1960s and among Arab feminists today, Turiel finds exemplars of
pioneers who risk conflict to end
cultural practices that lend to oppression the name of morality.)

 - KNOWLEDGE CULTURE (Epistemology/Episteme's)

 - Science and Sanity. Alfred Korzybsky

(By 1933, Korzybski accomplished what few had done in all the history of civilization. He did in the
20th century, what Aristotle did in the 4th century BC, and what Francis Bacon did in the 17th
century: he codified the methods of evaluation of Western thought. In other words, he unveiled
the structure of our system of thought, the basis of how we give significance and make meaning
of the elements of our experience. His book Science and Sanity, published in 1933, was about 10
years in the making. It became one of the 100 most influential books of the 20th century as
acknowledged by scientists all over the world. Relatively speaking, few people have even read
the book, most noticeably world leaders and educators.)


 - The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global Theory of Intellectual Change
by Randall Collins (Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania), The
Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-674-81647-1,

("The first comprehensive history of world philosophy, this book is also a social history of global
intellectual life...Through network diagrams and sustained narrative, Randall Collins traces the
development of philosophical thought in China, Japan, India, ancient Greece, the medieval
Islamic and Jewish world, medieval Christendom, and Modern Europe.")


 - Shakespeare: the invention of the human. By Harold Bloom. Riverhead
Books, 1998.

 - Francois Megroz. Pourquoi lire la Divine Comedie. Age d'Homme.


 - The Western Canon: the books and schools of the ages. By Harold Bloom.
Riverhead Books, 1995. (sd bib)

 - Why read the classics. Italo Calvino. Jonathan Cape.



 - Histoire de la philosophie politique. Alain Renaut. Calmann-Levy, 5 vol.

(detailed history - a monumental work - rec. Nouvel Obs)

 - Gerard Mairet. Le principe de souverainite (Paris: Gallimard, 1997)

(recommended Toni Negri: "traces the development of the notion of sovereignty in the long
history of European political thought)

 - The Ship of State: Statecraft and Politics from Ancient Greece to
Democratic America. by Norma Thompson. (Yale University Press, 243 pp.,

(The history and practice of statecraft: > "> Thompson invites her reader on a brisk and learned
tour of several high points in the history of political philosophy. Her destinations are the ancient
Greek polis, the modern state, and democratic America. In the case of the ancients, her selection
of representative authors is unexceptional--Homer, Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle--though the
inclusion of epic poets, historians, and philosophers invites a question about the omission of
tragedians. For the moderns, her eclectic focus on Machiavelli, Edmund Burke, Mary
Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Rousseau provides valuable and uncommon juxtapositions.)


Kenneth Smith)

 - Eric Voegelin. Plato and Aristotle. Louisiana State Univ. Pr, 1958. (rec
'auteurs et penseurs de la droite')


 - Histoire des idees politiques depuis le XIXieme siecle. Dalbz, 1996.

 - Giddens, A.  The Consequences of Modernity Polity Press 1990

 - Les fondements de la pensee politique moderne  Quentin SKINNER Albin

 - Ferrari, Joseph Histoire de la raison d'État    Kimé 

 - Eric Voegelin, The New Science of Politics. Chicago, University of Chicago
Press, 1987.

("In this classic study, Voegelin, author of numerous books on order and history, examines the
thrust to modernity. He argues that the moderns have misunderstood Christian eschatology in
creating the stages of ancient, classical and modern. Modernity misunderstands the cycle, that
there is a time to be born and a time to die. Blames the tragedies of the last hundred years on
this mistake, of beliefs that history can end: as Marxism, Nazism or capitalism. A short book." -
Sohail Inatullah)

 - Les debuts de l'etat moderne: une histoire des idees politiques au XIXieme
sicele. Bertrand de Jouvenel. Fayard, 1976. (rec. 'auteurs et penseurs de la

 - Leo Strauss. Histoire de la philosophie politique. PUF, 1994.

 - The social philosophers. Community and conflict in Western thought. By
Robert Nisbet (rec 'auteurs et penseurs de la droite')

               subtopic: Machiavelli

 - The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic
Republican Tradition. John Pocock.  Princeton Univ Pr, 1975

(recommended Negri in Empire)

 - Niccolo Machiavelli THE PRINCE (classic foundational text)

 - Pensees sur Machiavel. Leo Strauss. Payot, 1982.

(foremost conservative thinker, rec 'auteurs et penseurs de la droite')


 -  "Alexandre Kojeve - The Roots of Postmodern Politics" by Shadia Drury
(Westview Press, 1994).

("It is a devastating critique of post-modernism by a scholar who has written a booklength critique
of Leo Strauss. The book shows the "common" intellectual heritage of Leo Strauss, Allan Bloom,
Francis Fukuymama (the Chicago mafia) Bataille, and M. Foucault.

From the back jacket of the book: "Alexandre Kojeve is an enigmatic figure whose influence on
postmodernism is better known than understood. Reading Hegel through the eyes of Marx and
Heidegger simultaneously, Kojeve formulated a wild if not hypnotic melange of ideas. In this book,
Drury reveals the nature of Kojeve's Hegelianism and the extraordinary influence it has had both
on French and American intellectuals. According to Drury, Kojeve believed that history was a
tragedy in which a cold, instrumental and uninspired rationalism has conquered and
disenchanted the world. Drury maintains that Kojeve's conception of modernity as the fateful
triumph of this arid rationality is the cornerstone of postmodern thought. Kojeve's picture of this
world gives birth to a dark romanticism that manifests itself in a profound nostalgia for what
reason has banished - myth, madness, disorder, spontaneity, instinct, passion and virility. In
Drury's view, these ideas romanticize the gratuitous violence and irrationalism that characterizes
the postmodern world.")

 - Rosenberg, S.W. (1988).  Reason, Ideology and Politics.  Princeton:
Princeton University Press. (rec Sara Ross, postconpol)

 - Rosenberg, S.W., Ward, D., Chilton, S.  (1988).  Poltical Reasoning and
Cognition.  Durham: Duke University Press. (rec Sara, postconpol)

 - Debats sur la Justice Politique. Entre Jurgen Habermas et John Rawls.
Cerf, 1997.


  - Laurence Chickering. Beyond Left and Right. (recommended by Wilber)

 - Beyond Liberalism, By Jack Crittenden. Oxford University Press

(the most systematic work of integrally oriented political philosophy which addresses the history of
political thought and which concentrates on the agency (liberal) and communion (communitarian)
conflicts )

 - The Emergence of Noopolitik. By John Arquila and David Ronfeldt. Rand

 - Richard J. Bernstein, The New Constellation: The Ethical-Political Horizons
of Modernity/Postmodernity, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1992. (rec Phil Agre)

 - Terry Nichols Clark and  Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot. The New Political
Culture. Westview Press, 1998.

("if you haven't seen the really interesting development of the idea of a 'new political culture' in
political science, then you may want to look at this", Paul Ray, author of 'The Cultural Creatives'
and the as yet unpublished 'The New Political Compass")

 - Ronald Inglehart. Culture Shift. Princeton University Press, 1990.

("based on an amazing amount of cross national comparative dat documenting the appearance
of a new political culture in many parts of the world" - rec Paul Ray)

 - Paul Ray. The Cultural Creatives

(the classic on the emergence of a third 'transmodern' culture, after traditionalism and modernity)

 - Writings by Chilton, recommended Sara Ross, postconpol

(Defining Political Development is a follow-up onGrounding Political Development - as far as I could see from the
Chilton site, it is an extremely dense theoretical work that will only appeal to those within the political science
field. Here is a blurb from the publisher:   Chilton posits that political development is a (Piagetian)
cognitive-developmental change in political culture, both affecting and affected by political institutions and political
actors. The specifics of each culture's tradition augment the universal developmental order of cognitive structures
to create culturally specific developmental sequences. Developmental dynamics arise from the peculiarities of
cognitive development and from the problems of establishing any new way people relate to one another.
The application of Piagetian psychology to symbolic interactionism, concludes Chilton, overcomes the two major
problems that have plagued earlier definitions of political development: (1) connecting individual and institutional
change in the development process (the micro-macro problem); and (2) defining development so that "more
developed" is, in a cross-culturally valid sense, ethically "better" (the normative grounding problem). Stephen
Chilton is associate professor of political science at the University of Minnesota at Duluth, where he specializes
in conceptual analysis in the field of comparative politics and political psychology. To learn more about Dr.
Chilton's work, visit his website")

        subtopic: left vs. right

                - LEFT


 - Aronowitz, Stanley. The Crisis in Historical Materialism: class, politics and
culture in Marxist theory. New York: Praeger, 1981.

 - Bobbio, Norberto. Which Socialism: Marxism, socialism and democracy.
Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988.

 - Guattari, Felix and Antonio Negri. Communists Like Us. New York:
Semiotexte, 1987.

 - Alvin W. Gouldner, The Two Marxisms. New York: Oxford University Press,

 - Colletti, Lucio  Le déclin du marxisme   PUF     1984 (marx biblio)

 - Derrida, Jacques   Spectres de Marx        Galilée 1993 (marx biblio)


(note: I've read most of the classics in my youth, but never the young Marx and the earlier
manuscripts, so I focus on those in this section)

 - Marx, Karl       Manuscrits de 1844      Éditions sociales (fond ancien)/La

 - Marx, Karl   Manuscrits de 1844      Flammarion (GF789)      1996

 - Marx, Karl       Manuscrits de 1857-1858 (Grundrisse), tome I Éditions
sociales (fond ancien)/La Dispute

 - Marx, Karl    Manuscrits de 1857-1858 (Grundrisse), tome II Éditions
sociales (fond ancien)/La Dispute

 - Marx, Karl   Manuscrits de 1861-1863 Éditions sociales (fond  ancien)/La


 - Acton, H.B. 1955.  "The Illusion of the Epoch: Marxism-Leninism as a
Philosophical Creed.

 - Bohn-Bawerk, Eugene.  1986.  "Karl Marx and the Close of his System."

 - Lavoie, Don.  1985.  "National Economic Planning:  What is Left?"

 - Lavoie, Don.  1985.  "Rivalry and Central Planning:  The Socialist
Calculation Debate Reconsidered."

 - Sciabarra, Chris Matthew.  1995.  "Marx, Hayek, and Utopia."

(list recommended by Libertarian on integral politics list)

 - Socialism: an economic and sociological analysis. Ludwig von Mises. New
York Univ. Press, 1981. (rec. 'auteurs et penseurs de la droite')

 - L'Homme aux Semelles de Vent. Michel Le Bris. Grasset, 1977

(this author is strongly recommended in a fullpage profile in Le Monde, with this work described
as: 'livre de condamnation de la religion marxiste', by a former activist, 'decu par un militantisme
qui avait degenere en folie')


 - Richard Gombin. Les Origines du Gauchismes.

("about the historical antecedents of New Left anarcho-communism", Richard Barbrook)


 - Anthony Giddens. Beyond Left and Right. The Future of Radical Politics
(Cambridge, Polity Press, 1994)

 - Anthony Giddens. The Third Way. The Renewal of Social Democracy
(Cambridge, Polity Press, 1998)

        subtopic: the Third Way in France

 - Le Nouvel Observateur mentions for sources on the renewal of social-democratic thought after
the defeat of Jospin and the crisis of the party: 1) Club 'En Temps Reel',,
publishes 'Cahiers' magazine; 2) Fondation Jean Jaures, publishes a weekly newsletter and
'Notes' with the Editions Plon and at; 3) La Republique des Idees is a new series
at Seuil, with 3 books already, L'Egalite des Possible (Eric Morin), La Question de la Souverainite
(Jean-Paul Fitoussi), L'Art de Gouverner (Laurent Bouvet); 4) the club Temoin publishes 'Les
Cahiers Democrates',

                 - RIGHT


 - E. H. H. Green, Ideologies of Conservatism: Conservative Political Ideas in
the Twentieth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002 (rec Phil Agre)

 - Joseph V. Femia, Against the Masses: Varieties of Anti-Democratic
Thought Since the French Revolution, Oxford: Oxford University Press,

 - Politique et Tradition. Christophe Boutin. Paris: Kime, 1992.

 Summarises the link between traditionalist author such as Guenon, Evola, etc.. and politics.
("une somme incontournable", Antaios)

 - The Machiavellans, defenders of freedom. By James Burnham. John Day,
1943. (rec 'auteurs et penseurs de la droite')

 - George Lakoff. Moral politics: what conservatives know that liberals don't.
Univ of Chicago Pr. , 1996.

(rec 'auteurs et penseurs de la droite', an explanation of why American liberals lost their historical
support since the 80s)

 - Le conservatisme. Philippe Bonoton. PUF, Que-sais-je, 1988 (rec 'auteurs
et penseurs de la droite')


 - Meysonnier, Simone La balance et l'horloge. La genèse de la pensée
libérale en France au XVIIIème siècle   Éditions de la passion (marx biblio)

 - Liberalism, ancient and modern. By Leo Strauss. Basic Books, 1968. (rec
'auteurs et penseurs de la droite')

 - Guido de Ruggiero. The History of European Liberalism. Beacon Press,

 - Histoire intellectuelle du liberalisme: 10 lecons. Pierre Manent. Hachette,
1997. (rec 'auteurs et penseurs de la droite')

 - Le liberalisme. Maurice Flamant. PUF, 1979.


  - J.-Claude St-Onge, L'imposture néolibérale. Marché, liberté et justice
sociale, Les éditions Écosociété, Montréal, 2000, 202 p.

(Un livre qui mérite d'être lu. Une bonne synthèse de la pensée néolibérale. Écrit par un
professeur de philosophie du Collège Lionel-Groulx, ce livre présente une synthèse de la pensée
du libre échange et du libre marché, de Hayek et des idées néolibérales sur la justice. Il se clôt
sur le problème de l'AMI.)

 -  Gilles Dostaler, Le libéralisme de Hayek. Paris, La Découverte, coll.
Repères, 2001, 121 p.

(Gilles Dostaler, professeur au département des sciences économiques de l'UQAM, propose un
synthèse de très bonne qualité sur ce penseur de premier plan dans les débats concernant
l'économie moderne et toute les questions du néo-libéralisme. Le premier chapitre propose une
courte biographie de Hayek. Par la suite, suivent des chapitres couvrant une oeuvre complexe
que Dostaler réussit bien à résumer. Un chapitre sur problématique de la connaissance (chapitre
2), un autre sur l'économie (chapitre 3) puis un dernier portant sur la société (chapitre 4). Le tout
est suivi d'une bibliographie de l'ouvre de Hayek et de quelques ouvrages portant sur ce dernier.
Je recommande ce livre qui est une pièce maîtresse pour ceux qui veulent comprendre une
pensée complexe comme celle de Hayek.)

 - Milton Friedman et son oeuvre. Marc Lavoie. Pr. Univ. de Montreal, 1993.

(his monetarist theories were at the basis of the Reagan-Thatcher policies)


 - From Luther to Hitler: the history of fascist-nazi political philosophy. William
M. McGovern; Houghton-Mifflin, 1941 (rec 'auteurs et penseurs de la droite')

     subtopic: equality vs hierarcy

 - Louis Dumont. Homo aequalis. Gallimard, 1977

 - Louis Dumont. Homo hierarchicus. Gallimard, 1966


 - Andréani T., Feray M. Discours sur l'égalité parmi les hommes. Penser
l'alternative   L'Harmattan     1993

 - Angenot, Marc    L'utopie collectiviste  PUF     1993

 - Nicolas Berdiaev. De l'inegalite. Age d'Homme.

(very great Orthodox Christian but emancipatory author)

    subtopic: the concept of progress

 - Progress and Pragmatism. By David Marcell. (Greenwood, 1974)
(the notion of progress from the Enlightenment to modernism)

 - Nisbet, Robert. History of the Idea of Progress. New York: Basic Books,

 - Frédéric Rouvillois, L'invention du progrès. Aux origines de la pensée
totalitaire (1680-1730). Paris, Éditions KIMÉ, Collection
«Philosophie-épistémologie», 1996, 487 p.

(Livre magnifique sur une époque charnière de l'histoire de l'Occident.)

 - J.B. Bury, The Idea of Progress, an inquiry into its growth and origin (New
York: Macmillan, 1932) (a classic)

 - Proges et religion: une enquete historique. Christopher Dawson. Plon,
1935. (rec 'penseurs et auteurs de la droite')

       subtopic: Utopia

 -  Krishan Kumar, Utopia and Anti-Utopia for Modern Times. Oxford, Basil
Blackwell, 1987.

("The classic book on utopias. However, while exhaustive in its treatment, it remains Eurocentric,
defining utopias in western terms, and not seeing non-western nominations of preferred future as
utopian. Still, a classic.")

 - Ashis Nandy, Tradition, Tyranny, and Utopias, Delhi, Oxford University
Press, 1987.

(" A classic already, examines how yesterday's utopias are today's nightmares. The base for an
alternative to postmodernism and development. Each page full of insights." - rec. Sohail Inatullah)

 - Frank E. Manuel & Fritzie P. Manuel Utopian Thought in the Western World

 - Frédéric Rouvillois, L'Utopie, GF Flamarion (à paraître) 1999.

 - Russell Jacoby, The End of Utopia: Politics and Culture in an Age of

 - The Story of Utopias, by Lewis Mumford (New York: Boni and Liveright,

 - Maler, Henri   Congédier l'utopie ? L'utopie selon Karl Marx L'Harmattan 
1994 (marx biblio)

 - Maler, Henri       Convoiter l'impossible, L'utopie avec Marx, malgré Marx
Albin Michel    1995    (marx biblio)

 - Münster, Arno   Ernst Bloch, messianisme et utopie      PUF     1989 
(marx biblio)

 - Manuel, F. E., & Manuel, F. P. (1979). Utopian thought in the Western
world. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.

 - Hans Achterhuis. De Erfenis van de Utopie. Ambro, 1998. (Knack

 - Perversion and Utopia: A Study in Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory
(Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought)
by Joel Whitebook

("In this sweeping challenge to the postmodern critiques of psychoanalysis, Joel Whitebook
argues for a reintegration of Freud's uncompromising investigation of the unconscious with the
political and philosophical insights of critical theory. Perversion and Utopia follows in the tradition
of Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization and Paul Ricoeur's Freud and Philosophy. It expands
on these books, however, because of the author's remarkable grasp not only of psychoanalytic
studies but also of the contemporary critical climate; Whitebook, a philosopher and a
psychoanalyst, writes with equal facility on both Habermas and Freud. A central thesis of
Perversion and Utopia is that there is an essential affinity between the utopian impulse and the
perverse impulse, in that both reflect a desire to bypass the reality principle that Freud claimed to
define the human condition.")


 - Angenot, Marc   L'utopie collectiviste  PUF     1993 (marx biblio)

 - Droz, Jacques      Histoire générale du socialisme. tome I PUF
(Quadridge n°241)    1997 (marx biblio)

 - Laurent Mauduit et Gérard Desportes . L'adieu au socialisme

(Laurent Mauduit, auteur avec Gérard Desportes d'un livre remarqué, La Gauche imaginaire
(1999), est rédacteur en chef de la section Entreprises au quotidien Le Monde. Gérard Desportes
a été rédacteur en chef de Libération. Pourquoi la gauche disparue ? En fait, durant plus d'un
siècle, la gauche dans ses heures glorieuses, a été soit résistante soit réformiste. Aujourd'hui,
elle n'est plus ni l'une ni l'autre. La gauche qui a porté durant près d'un siècle les valeurs du
socialisme, la gauche de transformation sociale, la première gauche, dont Lionel Jospin a
longtemps été le représentant, n'existe plus. La gauche disparue, c'est donc d'abord l'histoire
secrète de ces élections au cours desquelles Lionel Jospin, le plus orthodoxe des dirigeants de la
gauche, l'ancien « sous-marin » trotskiste de l'OCI, a osé prendre une posture centriste, affirmant
que son projet n'était pas socialiste, et affichant pour consternante ambition quelques pâles
mesures libérales, comme la privatisation d'EDF. La gauche disparue, c'est la chronique de tous
ces militants ou responsables de la gauche, qui ont dit secrètement aux auteurs, durant la
campagne, leur amertume ou leur colère devant cet abandon. )

 - La presomption fatale: les erreurs du socialisme. F. A. H ayek. Puf, 1993.
(english: the fatal conceit, the errors of socialism. rec 'auteurs et penseurs de
la droite')


 - Michael Lieb. Children of Ezekiel: Aliens, UFO's, the Crisis of Race, and
the Advent of End Time. Duke University Press, 1998. (sd bib)

 - William Patrick Patterson. Taking with the Left Hand: The Enneagram
Craze, People of the Bookmark, & the Mouravieff Phenomenom. Arete
Communications (sd bib)

 - Elaine Shozalter. Hystories: Hysterical Epidemics and Modern Culture.
Columbia Univ. Press, 1997. (sd bib)

 - Greil Marcus. Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century.
London: Secker & Warburg, 1989

(about underground pop culture, sd bib)

 - Jodi Dean. Aliens in America: Conspiracy Cultures from Outerspace to
Cyberspace. London: Cornell Univ. Press, 1998 (sd bib)


Philip Rieff FREUD:  THE MIND OF THE MORALIST (rec Kenneth Smith)

 - Philip Rieff. The Triumph of the therapeutic.

(on how 20th cy. man came to define himself in therapeutic terms)

 - James Hillman

(the founder of post-Jungian archetypal psychology, a kind of 'postmodern' renewal of

 - RACIAL  CULTURE (and other intersubjective inequalities)

 - E. Balibar & I. Wallerstein, Race, Nation, Classe, Editions de la
Découverte, Paris, 1988.

(the new racism is cultural, not biological)

 - Amin, Samir   L'ethnie à l'assaut de la nation        L'Harmattan     1994

 - Merryl Wyn Davies, Ashis Nandy and Zia Sardar, Barbaric Other: A
Manifesto on Western Racism. London, Pluto Press, 1993.

("Short, witty and well written exposition of how the West has treated the other. Argues that with
the potential end of five hundred years of colonialism, we have the possibility for authentic
multicultural futures; a world of many civilizations negotiating the real might be around the
corner." - Sohail Inatullah)

 - The Great Human Diasporas. The History of Diversity and Evolution. By
L.L; and Francesco Cavalli-Storza. Perseus, 1996.

("How different are we from hominoids and apes? Why are we different? What is cultural legacy
and what is genetic? Race and racism?"  See also: Penguin Atlas of Diasporas (Gerard
Chaliand), Global Diasporas, an introduction (Robin Cohen, Un of Washington Pr., 1997), New
Diasporas, the mass exodus, dispersal and regrouping of migrant communities (Nicholas Van
Hear, Un of Wash Pr 1998) - all recommended by Whole Earth Review)

 - Marc Crépon Les géographies de l'esprit. Enquête sur la caractérisation
peuples de Leibnisz à Hegel, Payot Paris 1996. (rec Multitudes)


 - Jean-Pierre Dupuy's The Mechanisation of the Mind (Princeton University

("a lucid account of the creation of cybernetics")

 - 1) Critical Realism  2) A Realist Theory of Science. Author: Roy Bhaskar 

(Since the publication of Roy Bhaskar's A Realist Theory of Science in 1975, critical realism has
emerged as one of the most powerful new directions in the philosophy of science and social
science, offering a real alternative to both positivism and postmodernism.  This reader makes
accessible in one volume key readings to stimulate debate about and within critical realism,
including: the transcendental realist philosophy of science elaborated in A Realist Theory of
Science; Bhaskar's critical naturalist philosophy of social science; the  theory of explanatory
critique, which is central to critical realism; and the theme of dialectic, which is central to
Bhaskar's most recent writings.) 

 - Science and Sanity. Alfred Korzybsky

(By 1933, Korzybski accomplished what few had done in all the history of civilization. He did in the
20th century, what Aristotle did in the 4th century BC, and what Francis Bacon did in the 17th
century: he codified the methods of evaluation of Western thought. In other words, he unveiled
the structure of our system of thought, the basis of how we give significance and make meaning
of the elements of our experience. His book Science and Sanity, published in 1933, was about 10
years in the making. It became one of the 100 most influential books of the 20th century as
acknowledged by scientists all over the world. Relatively speaking, few people have even read
the book, most noticeably world leaders and educators.)


 - Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago, University
of Chicago Press, 1962.

("Science has never been the same since this book. Historicized science making it less universal
and essential. Brought the language of paradigms into conventional thinking." - Sohail Inatullah)

 - Sandra Harding, The Science Question in Feminism. Milton Keynes, Open
University Press, 1986.

("Brilliant provocative book that undoes science. The question posed is" is it possible to use for
emancipatory ends sciences that are apparently so intimately involved in Western, bourgois, and
masculine projects? - rec. Sohail Inatullah)

 - Ashis Nandy, Science, Hegemony and Violence. Delhi, Oxford Publishing
Press, 1993.

("Critical of the reductionist science and the scientific technocratic State. A third world contribution
to the post-development, post-Western/modern futures project. - rec Sohail Inatullah)

 - Zia Sardar, Thomas Khun and the Science Wars. Cambridge Books, Icon,

("Another great book by Sardar. In this, he summarizes the debates in regard to normal and
postnormal science. " - rec Sohail Inatullah)

     subtopic: ANTHROPOLOGY

 -  "With the advent of several major critiques of anthropology's guilty past,
most notably Talal Asad's _Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter_
and Johannes Fabian's _Time and the Other_, anthropologists began their
long journey towards redressing their fear of the modern with an innovative
series of Baudelairean meditations on the dialectics of modernity and
tradition, urban and rural, simple and complex. From Anna Tsing's _In the
Realm of the Diamond Queen_ (1993) to Michael Taussig's _The Devil
and Commodity Fetishism in South America_ (1980), many
ethnographies in the 1970s, '80s and '90s explored the interstices *between*
the pre-modern "exotic" and the modern quotidian, focusing on the
interpolations of Western forms into "native" places (and vice versa). "


 - Peter Manicas, A History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Oxford,
Basil Blackwell, 1989.

("Great philosophical storytelling. Tells the history of the social sciences, what turns were taken,
what was missed. How the modern social sciences developed this century. Great reading leaving
one with valuable insights into Herder and Hegel, Comte and Marx, among others." - Sohail



 - Michel Foucault. 1990 The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction.
Trans. Robert Hurley. New York: Vintage Books.

 - Marcuse, Herbert  Eros et civilisation    Les éditions de Minuit  1963

 - L'Erotisme. Georges Bataille. Minuit, 1957.



 - Caroline Walker Bynum The Resurrection of the Body in Western
Christianity, 220-1336

 - Peter Brown The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual
Renunciation in Early Christianity

 - Love in the Western World. Denis de Rougemont. Princeton, 1983.

('one of the literary and philosophical masterpieces of the century, reviews conceptions on love
from Tristan and Isolde onwards, 'if you want to know how painfully wrong and misleading our
current Western notions of love are, read this book', Pratum)

 - Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages. By Georges Duby. Polity Press.

 ('classic study', cfr. A. Giddens)

 - Le sexe et le plaisir avant le christianisme. L'erotisme sacre. Paris: Retz,
(recommende Antaios)


 - The Red Threat. Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality. By Bernard Faure.
Princeton Univ. Press. (rec WIE)

- M. Eliade. Sur l'erotique mystique Indienne. l'Herne, 1997.


 - June Campbell. Traveler in Space.

(testimony about the contemporary feudal aspects of Tibetan buddhism, especially concerning
women and sexuality; June was the secret consort of Kalu Rimpoche)

subtopic: the postmodern condition of the female

 - Survival of the Prettiest: the science of beauty. By Nancy Etkoff. (rec

                extra: critiques of feminism

 - Professing Feminism: cautionary tales from the strange world of women's
studies. By Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge.

(recommended by Ken Wilber in Boomeritis; probably a critique of the more extreme forms of
feminist scholarship and its anti-male bias?)

 - Rene Denfeld. The New Victorians: a young woman's challenge to the old
feminist order.

(recommended by Wilber as a postfeminist attack on boomeritis feminism: 'for women of my
generation, feminism has become as confining as what it pretends to combat')

      subtopic: the postmodern condition of the male

 - Susan Faludi. Stiffed: the betrayal of the American Man.

(feminism has gone overboard so that a 'war against males' has undermined the self-confidence
of boys and men - cited by Wilber)

 - Christina Hoff Sommers. The War Against Boys: how misguided feminism
is harming our young men.  (rec Wilber - Boomeritis)

 - Warren Farrel. The Myth of Male Power.

(the author, the only male to be elected 3 times to the board of the National Organisation of
Women in the U.S., later took his distance from official feminism after surveying the scientific
studies; and this book is a refutation of feminist myths about men - cited and recommended by
Ken Wilber in Boomeritis)


 - Mircia Eliade, The Myth of the Eternal Return. New Jersey, Princeton
University Press, 1971.

("Looks at myth and time from a variety of religious traditions. Very important book in showing the
underlying structure of the spiritual worldview." Sohail Inatullah)

 - Mathew Fox. Western Spirituality: Historical Roots, Ecumenical Routes  ,
Bear & Co. 1981.

  subtopic: 'peer to peer spirituality'

 -  Jorge Ferrer. Revisioning Transpersonal Theory: A Participatory Vision of
Human Spirituality (SUNY Press, 2001).

 - Heron, J. (1996) Co-operative Inquiry: Research into the Human Condition.
London: Sage.

 - Heron, J. (1998) Sacred Science: Person-centred Inquiry into the Spiritual
and the Subtle. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.

 - The Participatory Mind. H. Skolimowski. Arkana, 1994

(sees the universe in which the mind plays an active role - rec Scientific and Medical Network)

subtopic: nature-oriented, 'ecological' spiritual approaches

 - Creation Spirituality. Matthew Fox.

 - The Spell of the Sensuous. D. Abram. Random House, 1997.

 - The Embodied Mind. E. Varela et al. MIT Press, 1983.

 - C. Spretnak. States of Grace. Harper San Francisco, 1991.


 - The Center of the Cyclone: an autobiography of inner space. By John Lilly.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1972.

 - John Lilly: The Scientist: a metaphysical autobriography. Ronin Publishing,

 - John & Antonietta Lilly. The Dyadic Cyclone. The autobiography of a
couple. New York: Paladin Books, 1978.

(other recommended book by John Lilly: Simulations of God, the Science of Belief)

 - Cosmic trigger Robert Anton Wilson :

("Robert Anton Wilson's experiments with magick, drugs and yoga during the crazy 60's and 70's. Synchronicities,
UFOs, conspiracies ; a trip in this labyrinth of weirdness is not always easy, more than twenty years later, now
that some of the entheogenic smokes have dissipated. Despite the fact that many Wilson's experiences may now
appear as self delusory, this text remains an extremely honest testimony of that troubled times, and one of the
best navigation manual in the realm of so-called "mystical" practices. To read and to meditate..." - rec Remi

 - Confessions of Aleister Crowley: an autohagiography

("Love him or loath him, Aleister Crowley cannot be avoided if one is interested in today's magical practice. These
"confessions" are certainly an invaluable document to investigate one of the weirdest mind of modern times, and
undoubtedly one of the parents of modern "counter-culture" - rec Remi Sussan)


 - Elias Norbert, Dunning E.        Sport et civilisation. La violence maîtrisée 

 - Brohn J.-M., Perelman M.     Le football une peste émotionnelle      Éditions
de la passion  1998

 - Brohn, Jean-Marie        Les meutes sportives. Critique de la domination
L'Harmattan     1993

 -Georges Vigarello, Du jeu ancien au show sportif, La naissanced d'un
mythe, Paris, Seuil, coll. "la couleur des idées", 231 p.  (marx biblio)


 - Elias, Norbert        Du temps        Fayard  1997 

 - A geography of time. By Robert Levine Basic Books

("- Levine is a social psychologist - and describes how time is experienced across different cultures - Jan

 - Rifkin, J. (1987). Time Wars: The Primary Conflict in Human History. New
York: Henry Holt & Co.

 - Edward T. Hall. The Dance of Life: the outer dimension of time. Anchor
Books/ Doubleday, 1983.

 - J.Y. Fraser's 1999 book "Time, Conflict and Human Values" (University
of Illinois Press. Urbana and Chicago) - rec postconpol

 - Julian Barbour  "The End of Time: the Next Revolution in our
Understanding of the Universe" (Phoenix, London, 2000)

(post- quantumphysical implications, rec postconpol)


 - Pierre Sansot. Lof der traagheid. Atlas, 2000

(french bestseller about the slow lifestyle, 'l"eloge de la lenteur'?)

 - Hyperculture: the human cost of speed. Stephen Bertman.Praeger, 1998.


 - Paul Halpern, The Pursuit of Destiny:  A History of Prediction, Perseus
Books, 2000: ISBN:  0738200956

("In The Pursuit of Destiny, physicist Paul Halpern brings a scientist's eye to questions of time and fate, tracing
the history of forecasting from its roots in ancient mysticism to its development as a modern science. As Halpern
explains, the desire to foretell the future is an integral part of what makes us human. Newtonian mechanics
offered the tantalizing possibility of describing nature as a clockwork mechanism, but twentieth-century scientific
discoveries, such as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and Einstein's flexible concepts of past, present, and
future, undermined this rigid notion. Scientists today grapple with formidable barriers to knowledge, hoping to
extend prediction's frontiers. Drawing on modern theories of complexity, chaos theory, quantum theory, and
relativity, Halpern explores the latest methods of scientific, social, and technological forecasting. How much of the
future is inevitable? When are predictions most likely to succeed? Does time even exist? An intriguing look at the
potential limits to our ability to forecast, The Pursuit of Destiny is an eloquent testament to our very human need to
try. Of particular interest to scholars of science and religion are discussions of the spiritual motivation behind
the work of Pythagoras, Kepler, Newton and other thinkers.  The book also describes the development and
impact of Kabbalistic teachings, and details scientific and religious debates concerning free will and

 - Jean-Pierre DUPUY , Pour un catastrophisme éclairé. Quand l'impossible
est certain, Édition du Seuil, Paris,2002, 219 p. .

(rec. G. Lerbet , an approach stressing that we have to treat policies involving the future, as if the
related catastrophe was certain)


 - Johan Galtung and Sohail Inayatullah. Macrohistory and Macrohistorians.
New York, Praeger, 1997.

("Moves towards a general theory of macrohistory through a comparative analysis of twenty
macrohistorians. Included are such thinkers as Ibn Khaldun, Comte, Vico, Marx, Hegel, Ssu-Ma
Chien, Sarkar, Toynbee, Weber and Sorokin. For each thinker there is a diagram which presents
their macrohistory. The relationship between micro and macrohistory is explored as is between
macrohistory and world politics. Numerous perspectives on
what we can learn from macrohistory in understanding the future.")

 - Karl Jaspers, The Origin and Goal of History. Yale Univ. Pr., 1953.

(recommended by Marchel Gauchet)

 - Best, Steven. The Politics of Historical Vision: Marx, Foucault, Habermas.
Guilford Press, 1995.

 - Arthur Herman: 'The Idea of Decline in the Western Civilization'.

(Recommended Jan Geerincks)

 - Marchel Gauchet. Philosophie des Sciences Historiques. Presse
Universitaire de Lille, 1988

 - Dhoquois, Guy       Histoire de la pensée historique        A. Colin        1991
(marx biblio)

 - Mannheim, Karl     Le problème des générations     Nathan  (collection
essais et recherches)       1990

(interpreting the interplay of generations)

 - Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History . Trans. Franz
Rosenthal (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1967).

("The founder of sociology writing in the 14th century. A must ready for understanding deep
social patterns. Heavily influenced Comte, Weber, and others." - Sohail Inatullah)

 - Eight Eurocentric Historians. By J.M. Blaut. The Guilford Press, New York,
2000. Pp. 228. ISBN 1-57230-591-6

("History is the ideological mainstay of modernity and the queen of its disciplines: it is within a
putatively historical vision that the modern man locates his subjectivity and legitimises his politics.
Theories of history are thus the modern equivalents of ancient myths and medieval theodicies.
Unfortunately, most narratives of modernity are also, Blaut's present work amply demonstrates,
irreducibly and irredeemably Eurocentric: they are racist, polemical, self-aggrandizing and false.
In the name of world-history, they propagate the worldview of supremacy and under the guise of
global sociology, they promote a regime of fate. To uncover the academic mask of modern
historiography and reveal is mythical visage is thus essential to any scheme of intellectual
resistance against the modern indoctrination.

Blaut's work is an empiricist's unremitting haggling with the ideologues of modernity who wear the
historians' masks. The list includes the arch theorist of Western rationality (Max Weber), the
advocate of technological determinism (Lynn White Jr.), the guru of Marxist diffusionism (Robert
Brenner), the evangelist of the 'European Miracle' (Eric L. Jones), the advocate of modern social
power (Michael Mann), the champion of European 'Powers and Liberties' (John A. Hall), the
mandarin of Euro-Environmentalism (Jared Diamond), and the guardian of Pax Americana (David
Landes). Common to these Eurocentric reflections are, of course, the perceptions and anxieties
of the 'lords of the humankind'; those who believe that theirs is the best of the worlds, and who
therefore 'want to freeze history right where it is here and now.')

 - G W F Hegel THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY (classic rec by K. Smith)

 - F W Nietzsche THE USE AND ABUSE OF HISTORY  (classic rec by K.

 - Wilhelm Dilthey PATTERN AND MEANING IN HISTORY  (classic rec by K.

 - R G Collingwood THE IDEA OF HISTORY  (classic rec by K. Smith)

 - Karl Lowith MEANING IN HISTORY  (classic rec by K. Smith)

 - 4.3 philosophical cultures, by


 - Godwin Sogolo, Foundations of African Philosophy. Ibadan, Ibadan 
University Press, 1993.

 - Odera Oruku, Sage Philosophy: Indigenous Thinkers and the Modern
on  African Philosophy. Nairobi, Acts Press, 1991.

("Oruku interviews local African sages and analyzes their comments on self,  community and
future. Attempts to locate and compare their discourse to  the larger debate on the relative
influences of Islam, the West on African   philosophy. Argues that the future of Africa must be
based on its multiple traditions."- rec. Sohail Inatullah)

 - Ali Mazrui.  1) A World Federation of Cultures: An African Perspective
(published by the Free Press in New York in 1976);  and 2) Cultural Forces in
World Politics (James Currey and Heinemann, 1990).  (cited as eminent
non-eurocentric historian)

 - Jacques Berlinerblau, Heresy in the University: The Black Athena
Controversy and the Responsibilities of American Intellectuals, New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1999.


 - Àsia before Europe. Economy and civilisation of the Indian Ocean from the
Rise of Islam to 1750.  By K.N. Chaudhury. Cambridge Univ. Press.

- Asia in the making of Europe. By Donald Lach. (recommended by LR

     subtopic: CHINA

 - Science and Civilisation in China (Joseph Needham)

("In his famous book, "science and civilization in china", Joseph Needham notices that Taoist
philosophy was closer to quantum physics than the Judeo-Christian one (Needham wrote in the
sixties; today,he would probably write about "chaos" and "emergence"). But not only the taoists
didn't possess the knowledge (of course) their very philosophy perhaps *prevented* them to
develop a true scientific method. According to Needham, their vision of an ever-changing
universe, when there is nothing like an "object" or eternal truth, discouraged any attempt to define
the basic principles on which science is built. To the contrary, christian had the concept of
"natural laws". these laws, according to Needham, were at first seen as true laws, ordered by
God. If somebody didn't obey to them, for instance if a rooster laid an egg, it was prosecuted and
frequently burnt on a stake for heresy.
According to Needham this crazy conception of the world lead to the idea that one can study
these "eternal laws". If Needham is right, this shows that a right philosophy can give
negative results, or the contrary! ")

 - La philosophie chinoise. Max Kaltenberg. PUF, 1991

('grand specialiste du taoisme, Le Monde)

 - 1986 Benjamin I. Schwartz The World of Thought in Ancient China

 - Taoist meditation Isabelle Robinet. State Univ of New York 1993
(France : meditation taoiste, dervy 1979, albin michel 1995)

("A very scholarly study about the mystical practice of the Mao chan sect of Taoism. Adepts of this school tried to
gain illumination and immortality by visualizing various gods in their body. A strongly poetic and magical form of
Taoism, far from the bastardized westernized versions trying to, present Taoism as a kind of "spiritually correct"
religion, synthesis of gymnastic and new age fuzziness ..." Remi Sussan)

 - The taoist body. Kritofer Shipper. University of California Press
1994(France : Le Corps taoiste Fayard 1982)

("By using the metaphor of the body, Schipper tries to describe the taoism in its entirety. Schipper begin with the
social body, explaining how Taoism regulates life of Chinese villages, before entering in more esoteric
considerations on spiritual alchemy or visualization. Schipper is not only a scholar, working in the Ecole Pratique
des Hautes etudes (Sorbonne) he has also been ordained as a Taoist master in 1967" - Remi Sussan)

 - Wang Dongliang. Les signes et les mutations. L'asiathèque 1995

("A study in the history of the Yi King, including recent archeological evidence. The book helps us to put the
Yi-King in its cultural context. At the end, there is a translation of the canonic text of the Yi-king (canonic meaning:
including the "judgement" and the various traits, but not the "figures") that I find personally less verbose and more
elegant than , for instance Wilhelm's translation." - Remi Sussan)

 - Figures de l'immanence. François Julien. Grasset 1993

("A philosophical reading of the book of mutations based on the commentaries of Wang Fuzhi. If you are tired of
the moralistic commentaries of a Wilhelm or a Cleary, you will discover in this book a philosophical tradition at it
highest level. We may regret that Wang Fuzhi integral text is not included in the book, making difficult to separate
the ideas of the French and the Chinese philosopher." - Remi Sussan)

        subtopic: INDIA

 - Genese de l'Inde. B. Sergent. Paris: Payot, 1997. ('splendide', Antaios)

 - History of Indian Philosophy. By Surendranath Dasgupta. Delhi: 1977
(reprint 1922, recommended by Antaios. Dasgupta was the spiritual master of
Mircea Eliade)

 - Inde. Histoire et civilisation. O. Botto. Paris: L. Levy, 1998

 - L'Inde. Une introduction a la connaissance du monde indien. J. Dupuis.
Pondichery-Paris: Kailash, 1997.

 - Le modele hindoue. G. Deleury. Pondichery-Paris: Kailash, 1993.

 - Mythes et Dieux de l'Inde. Le polytheisme hindou. Alain Danielou. Paris:
Flammarion, 1992. (Antaios)

 - Les quatres sens de la vie. Les structures sociales de l'Inde traditionnelle.
Les castes en Inde et l'art de vivre Hindou. Rocher, 1992 ("a lire absolument",

 - Un autre regard sur l'Inde. F. Gautier. Geneve: Tricorne, 1999.

 - Tadbhavananda Avadhuta and Jayanta Kumar, The New Wave. Calcutta,
Proutist Universal, 1985.

("Examines Indian history, particularly the figures of Shiva and Krishna, with an eye of creating a
new spiritual vision for future. Critical approach to major philosophical schools in Indian and
European philosophy. Outstanding historical, philosophical and futures approach to social theory.
-rec Sohail Inatullah)

 - Louis Dumont : Homo Hierarchicus (Tel ?)

("Un travail détaillé sur les mecanismes de la plus sophistiquée des sociétés " holistes " : l'inde
des castes. Un compagnon indispensable de ses essais sur l'individualisme" - remi sussan)


 - Aux origines de la philosophie europeenne. Par L. Couloubaritsis.
Bruxelles: De Boeck Universite, 1994.

('la pensee paienne des origines aux neoplatonisme tardif', 'fondamental', Antaios)

- The Origins of European Thought. By R.B. Onians. (Cambridge Univ.
Press,  1951)

(also traces origin of self in Homeric times)

 - The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the ideas that shaped our
world view. Ballantine Bks., 1991. (sd lib)

JOHN MACMURRAY .Conford, Philip . Floris Books 1996, Published in UK

(A collection of the work of John Macmurray whose philosophy has had an important influence on
political thought, ethics and education, as well as theology and psychology. His aims were to
re-examine the western philosophical tradition and call into questions its origins and inheritance. )

 - Norbert Elias, La dynamique de l'Occident, Pocket, 1969

 - La Philosophie comme maniere de vivre. Pierre Hadot. (Entretiens). Albin

(pourquoi s'occuper des philosophes de l'Antiquite - par un erudit qui a profondement modifier
notre regard sur les textes grecques et romains - stresses the living wisdom and oral basis of
ancient texts - Le Monde)

 - History of Western Civilization: A Handbook . William MacNeil; (Paperback
The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community With a
Retrospective Essay)

("most formidable world historian")

 - A History of Christain Thought by Paul Tillich (New York: Simon &

("The historical development of Christian thought is narrated with constant reference to the
general intellectual context. Implies that evolving world views were used to give Christianity a
different metaphysics in each era and that a purely nominalistic world view can not provide
Christianity with a workable metaphysics -- some essentialism is required by Christian theology.")

 - V. Gordon Childe. The Dawn of European Civilization (1925)

(other titles of this foremost historian are Man Makes Himself , 1951 ; and:
What Happened in History , 1942)

 - Marija Gimbutas. 1) Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, 6500-3500 BC
University of  California Press, 1974.; 2) The Language of the Goddess San
Francisco, 1989.
3) The Civilization of the Goddess: The World of Old Europe,  Harpercollins,

 - Mathew Fox. Western Spirituality: Historical Roots, Ecumenical Routes  ,
Bear & Co. 1981.

               extra: NON-EUROCENTRIC ACCOUNTS

 - Black Athena. By Martin Bernal.

(important book because it restores the influence of Egyptian and Hellenistic sources for the
European tradition, instead of just seeing Greco-Roman influences, recommended by LR
Goldnerm, and it is a critique of narrow eurocentrism; though the book itself has inspired
subsequent more radical reinterpretations by afrocentrists)

 - Jacques Berlinerblau, Heresy in the University: The Black Athena
Controversy and the Responsibilities of American Intellectuals, New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1999.

- Asia in the making of Europe. By Donald Lach. (recommended by LR

 - Orient-Occident, la fracture imaginaire. Georges Corm. La Decouverte.

(if there is a purported clash of civilisations, then it is in large part because the western project of
'laicity' and separation of church and state, is in large part still influenced by the christian religious
project, and thus not truly universal. It is only after the West will  have self-critically examined thi
s, that a true universalism can arise "l'occident doit proposer un discours critique, un magistere
moral universellement credible, en se defaisant de son narcisisme ... ce n'est pas des autres
regions du monde, prises dans l'etau de l'occidentilisation, que des alternatives peuvent demain
voir le jour" - rec Le Monde)

 - Devoirs et delices, une vie de passeur. Tzevetan Todorov, entretiens.

Conversations with a great Bulgarian-French thinker, who, by tracing the phases of his intellectual
life, reminesces about the meaning of European civilisation, but seen from the point of view of
that other Europe, the Balkans. This is also a book about the emergence of hybrid cosmpolitan
identities - highly recommended by Le Nouvel Observateur)

               extra: PHILOSOPHICAL NOVELS

 - Ian Pears. The Dream of Scipio: Riverhead Books. 2002.

("a philosophical novel dealing with subjects like Neoplatonism (the more one tries to understand
God, the closer one gets to him) and the integration of Hellenism into Christianity during the fifth
century." - rec by The NYT)

  subtopic: FRANCE


- Mythes et Mythologies dans la litterature francaise. P. Albouy. Paris:
Armand Collin, 1998.

("dans une brilliante anthologie du XVIieme au XXe siecle; il suit la palingenesie des mythes et
leurs seculaires metamorphoses", Antaios)

       subtopic: GERMANY

 - Bourgeois, Bernard  La philosophie allemande classique      PUF (Que
sais-je ? n°1466)      1995 

 - Thomas Mann . Considérations d'un apolitique

(Les Considérations d'un apolitique sont le journal de Thomas Mann pendant la première guerre
mondiale. Pour la première fois, il s'engageait dans le combat idéologique pour exalter les
valeurs qui lui paraissaient menacées. Thomas Mann défend ici une "certaine idée de
l'Allemagne" qui lui tenait fortement à coeur. Il s'en prend aux lieux communs vertueux de la
propagande des Alliés, champions de la démocratie, et il affirme qu'il existe une opposition
irréductible entre la culture telle qu'il l'entend et la "civilisation" de ses adversaires.  La culture
s'occupe de l'âme, elle est propre à un pays et s'adresse à l'individu. La civilisation, soucieuse de
progrès matériel et technique, est internationale et ne s'intéresse qu'aux masses. Elle nous
conduit tout droit vers le règne de la termitière.
Ce pamphlet antidémocratique se transforme parfois en une défense très contestable du
nationalisme allemand, mais il contient aussi un éloge de l'ironie, et des pages impressionnantes
sur des philosophes comme Schopenhauer et Nietzsche, des musiciens comme Wagner et Bizet,
des écrivains comme Tolstoï, Dostoïevsky, Flaubert, Claudel, Romain Rolland - et sur Thomas
Mann lui-même, qui confie quelles étaient ses intentions en écrivant les Buddenbrook, Tonio
Kröger, Altesse royale et La mort à Venise. )

subtopic: GREECE

 - The Class Struggle in the Ancien Greek World. GEM de Ste. Croix.
London: Duckworth.

 - Giorgio Colli. La Sagesse Grecque. L'eclat.

(Les textes des penseurs grecs de l'Antiquité en édition critique, traduits et accompagnés d'une
introduction et de commentaires.
« Notre intention par cette nouvelle édition est de cerner de façon exhaustive ce que l'on désigne
habituellement - par une indication chronologique réductrice - sous le nom de philosophie
présocratique», mais qu'il me semble plus pertinent d'appeler «la sagesse grecque»)

 - Pelerinage de Grece. Guy Rachet. Rocher, 1996.

('le vademecum ideal pour decouvrir la Grece, la culture de G. Rachet est prodigieuse', Antaios)

 - La Tragedie Grecque. Guy Rachet. Payot, 1973.

('brilliante demonstration de l'eternelle actualite des Tragiques' - Antaios)

 - Civilisations et archeologie de la Grece Prehellenique. Guy Rachet.
Rocher, 1993.

('prodigieuse synthese' - Antaios)

 - L'Univers des Dieux, les Hommes. Jean-Pierre Vernant. Seuil.

("le grand helleniste raconte les mythes comme des histoire pour les enfants. Magnifique" -
Nouvel Obs)

 - Mythe et pensee chez les Grecques. Jean-Pierre Vernant.

(grand helleniste - un des savants francais les plus respectes - Nouvel Obs)

 - La Philosophie comme maniere de vivre. Pierre Hadot. (Entretiens). Albin

(pourquoi s'occuper des philosophes de l'Antiquite - par un erudit qui a profondement modifier
notre regard sur les textes grecques et romains - stresses the living wisdom and oral basis of
ancient texts - Le Monde)

 - L'Univers des Dieux, les Hommes. Jean-Pierre Vernant. Seuil.

("le grand helleniste raconte les mythes comme des histoire pour les enfants. Magnifique" -
Nouvel Obs)

 - Les ruses de l'intelligence, la Metis des grecs 1974, Vernant et Detienne,
champs flammarion

("Une étude sur la " sagesse pratique " incarnée par la déesse Metis, et dont Odysseus est la
parfaite incarnation. Poiur l'esprit grec, feru d'abstraction, la connaissance technique était à la
fois sujet de fascination et de mépris. Ce livre expose cette ambiguité fondamentale de la pensée
greque." - remi sussan)

 - Les grecs et l'irrationnel, E.R. Dodds (1959) champs flammarion 1977.

("Plus qu'une simple étude mythologie, ce texte explore la difficile naissance de la raison, mais
traite également de la naissance du moi " à l'occidental ", avec une comparaison très fine entre
les " sociétés de honte " et les " sociétés de culpabilité". - remi sussan)

 - Les fictions d'Homere. L'invention mythologique et cosmographique dans
l'Odyssee. Par A. Ballabriga. Paris: PUF, 1998.

('ouvrage nourri des analyses penetrantes et lumineuse de Dumezil et Rybakov', Antaios)

 - Ulysse et la lumiere grecque. Par G. Haldas. Lausanne: L'Age d'Homme,

 - Epictetus  A Stoic and Socratic Guide to Life . by A. A. Long   Oxford
University Press  Due/Published March 2002, 330 pages, cloth  ISBN

("The philosophy of Epictetus, a freed slave in the Roman Empire, has been profoundly influential
on Western thought: it offers not only stimulating ideas but practical guidance in living one's life.
A. A. Long, a leading scholar of later ancient philosophy, gives the definitive presentation of the
thought of Epictetus for a broad readership. Long's fresh and vivid translations of a selection of
the best of Epictetus' discourses show that his ideas are as valuable and striking today as they
were amost two thousand years ago.  This is a book for anyone interested in what we can learn
from ancient philosophy about how to live our lives." - frontlist) 

 - Nietzche on Greek Civilisation: "Homer's Contest" (in VIKING PORTABLE

GREEK EPIC (rec Kenneth Smith)

(rec. Kenneth Smith)

 - Moira, Fate, Good and Evil in Greek Thought. by William C. Greene (rec
Kenneth Smith)

 - Achievement of Greece: A Chapter in Human Experience. by William C.

  - Hellenistic Civilisation. W.W. Tarn. New American Library, 1974. ( rec
David Ulansey)


 - Les fictions d'Homere. L'invention mythologique et cosmographique dans
l'Odyssee. Par A. Ballabriga. Paris: PUF, 1998.

('ouvrage nourri des analyses penetrantes et lumineuse de Dumezil et
Rybakov', Antaios)

 - Histoire de la litterature grecque d'Homere a Aristote. L. Canfore. Paris:

("cet ouvrage a l'autorite internationale fait renaitre la litterature grecque
comme un phenomene vivant, expression des croyances, des moeurs, des
passions et des gouts d'une societe qui a determine les destins de la culture
europeenne", Antaios)

 - Ulysse et la lumiere grecque. Par G. Haldas. Lausanne: L'Age d'Homme,

     subtopic: ITALY

 - The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. by Jacob Burckhardt

     subtopci: NORTHERN EUROPE

 - The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe. H.E. Davidson. London: Routledge,
1994. (on the nordic heritage. Antaios)


 - Les Indo-Europeens. B. Sergent. Paris: Payot, 1995.

 - L'experience du sacre dans le monde indo-europeen. Traite
d'anthropologie du  sacre). Eddisud, 1995.

('synthese sur l'homo religiosus indo-europeen, attendue avec impatience', Antaios)


 - The Golden Age of Islam. By Maurice Lombard. North Holland Pr.

 - 1975 Marshall G. S. Hodgson The Venture of Islam

  - Ravi Batra, Muslim Civilization and the Crisis in Iran. Dallas, Venus Books,
Creative interpretation of Muslim civilisation using Khaldun and Sarkar.

("Could have gained from using Islamic categories of the real. " - rec. Sohail Inatullah)

 - Fazlur Rahman, Islam (Anchor Books, 1968),

 - What The Koran Really Says: Language, Text and Commentary  By Ibn
Warraq . Prometheus Books (Amherst NY 2001)

("militantly atheistic interpretation")

 - Emilio Platti. Islam étrange ?, au delà des apparences...janvier 2000 CERF

(" l'auteur est dominicain, membre de l'institut dominicain des études orientales du
Caire...professeur à Louvain et à la Catho de Paris. Analyse des textes fondateurs. Salué à sa
sortie par les critiques avertis." - Multitudes)

 - M.  Arkoun  "l'islam, approche critique", ed. J. Grancher  (rec Multitudes)

 - Garcin et al, "états, sociétés et cultures du monde musulman médiéval"
(rec Multitudes)

 - Mantran,  "l'expansion musulmane. Puf Clio (rec Multitudes)

        subtopic: Islamic thought

 - M. Arkoun. "l'humanisme arabe au IVe/Xe siècle, Miskawayh Philosophe et
 Historien", Vrin (rec Multitudes)

 - M. Arkoun : "la pensée arabe", QSJ n°915 (rec Multitudes)

 - H. Corbin, "histoire de la philosophie islamique", folio

 -  Mohamed Abed Jabri ,  A Critique of the Arab Reason"

("renowned as a philosopher whose main work, "A Critique of the Arab Reason" had a profound
impact and stirred a large debate within the Arab world. It has become now one of the "classics"
of the contemporary Arab thought.")

 -  Mohamed Abed Jabri, Democracy and Human Rights

(" As a starting point of this reflection, in Democracy and Human Rights, he formulates the basic
question that in his opinion Muslims are impelled to answer nowadays : how can Muslims
accommodate conceptions and attitudes required by democracy and human rights in their
particular conceptual world ? How can they create, within the Muslim consciousness, the turn
which should enable it to adopt democracy and commit Muslims to its enactment ?")

 - Hamid Enayat, Modern Islamic Political Thought (University of Texas

 -  Albert Hourani's  Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1798-1939 (Oxford
University Press, 1970). ("classic study")

 - M. Mahdi, "la cité vertueuse d'Alfarabi, la fondation de la philosophie
politique en islam", Albin Michel (rec Multitudes)

    subtopic: Islam and Modernity

 - Seyyed Hossein Nasr. L'islam traditionnel face au monde moderne. Age

 -  Que c'est-il passe? L'islam, l'occident et la modernite. Bernard Lewis.
Gallimard, 2002

(english title: what went wrong?, "un synthese claire, accessible et precise" - rec Le Monde)

   subtopic: the resurgence of fundamentalism

 - Gilles Kepel, Le jihad, histoire politique de la naissance de l'Islamisme

("Panoramique" - rec Multitudes).

 - F. Burgat, "l'islamisme en face", la découverte, éd. 2002

(countercritique to Kepel- Multitudes)

 - Islam, Globalization and Postmodernity. By Akbar S. Ahmed. NY:
Routledge, 1994.

(on fundamentalism as modern phenomenom)

 - The Revenge of God: the resurgence of islam, christianity and judaism in
the modern world. Polity Press, 1994. (recommended by Anthony Giddens)

  subtopic: the Middle East

 - G. Corm, "le  proche-orient éclaté, 1956-2000", Folio (rec Multitudes)

 - WHAT WENT WRONG? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response.
By Bernard Lewis. Illustrated. 180 pp. New York: Oxford University Press.

 - Lewis, Bernard, The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years
New York, Touchstone, 1995.

(Lewis is Professor Emeritus of Near East Studies at Princeton University and has compiled a
very approachable yet scholary single-volume history of the Middle East that summarizes the
religious, political, and even familial relationships that are intertwined beneath the sands. This
book is valuable for those seeking to understand more about the mindsets that play out in the
region and which now (again) extend their reach into the global arena. Adding the SD prism to
the narrative makes the processes of change, stagnation, and change really come alive.  sd bib)

       subtopic: the new revisionist scholarship

 - The work of John Wansbrough, Michael Cook, Patricia Crone, Andrew
Rippin and Gerald Hawting,

which emerged initially from the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies in
the 1970s, questions not only Islam's own version of its origins; this "new history" of Islam takes
as its starting point a problem that has long troubled scholars - the almost total lack of
contemporary Islamic sources. With no contemporary Muslim sources to refer to, a group of
young historians working under the brilliant linguist Professor John Wansbrough at the University
of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in the Seventies developed new
scholarly techniques, drawing heavily on earlier biblical scholarship. Following Wansbrough's
lead, they decided to look at the Koran as a literary text, to compare it to other devotional writings
of the period and to look at internal clues to its origin. They found that it owed much to Judaism,
especially the Talmud, a collection of commentaries and interpretations of the Hebrew Bible.
They concluded, tentatively, that in the form that survives, the Koran was compiled, if not written,
decades after the time of Mohammad, probably by converts to Islam in the Middle East, who
introduced elements from the religions previously dominant in the region. Patricia Crone and
Michael Cook, also working at SOAS at the time, provided an even more devastating analysis by
looking at the only surviving contemporary accounts of the Islamic invasion, written in Armenian,
Greek, Aramaic and Syriac by Middle Eastern witnesses to the rise of Islam. They found that
Islam, as represented by admittedly biased sources, was in essence a tribal conspiracy against
the Byzantine and Persian empires with deep roots in Judaism, and that Arabs and Jews were
allies in these conquering communities. In Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam, Crone argued
that the early Muslim converts turned to Islam because it promised an Arab state based on
conquest, rape and pillage. "God could scarcely have been more explicit. He told the Arabs that
they had a right to despoil others of their women, children and land, or indeed that they had a
duty to do so: holy war consisted in obeying.")

        subtopic: women in Islam

 - Fatima Mernissi : "Sexe, idéologie, Islam"  ed. Teirce 1983 (strongly
recommended by Multitudes)

 - Fatima Mernissi, Women and Islam. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1991.

("An excellent book on gender struggles within a civilization. An important book for the
reimagination of Islam project. - rec. Sohail Inatullah)

 - Ghassam Ascha : "Du statut inférieur de la femme en Islam"  Harmattan

 - Mansour Fahmi :" La condition de la femme dans l'islam" / republie par Allia
(rec Multitudes)

 - A. Wadud, "qur'an and woman, rereading the sacred text from a woman's
perspective", Oxford university press (rec Multitudes)

 - La Psychanalyse a l'epreuve de l'islam. Fethi Benslama. Aubier, 2002.

(an extension of Freud's work 'l'Homme Moise et la religion monotheiste', in which the author
tries to understand fundamentalist excesses but also the general attitude to women for example,
he traces it back to the disavowed relationship of Abraham with Azar, a slave woman -
recommended by Le Monde)

    subtopic: Islamic/Arab literature

 - Miquel, "la littérature arabe", QSJ 1355

 - G. Wiet, "introduction à la littérature arabe", Unesco

 - Maisonneuve et Larose ; C. Pellat, "langue et littérature arabe"

To Part 2 of Quadrant 4