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Auxiliary Techniques
for the Integration Process

Convergence by Sabin-Corneliu Buraga

As explained elsewhere the Integration Process, and the Induction Process of which it is the central procedure, occurs largely at an unconscious level, and science still doesn't have any operational paradigm at its disposal to perform integrations, and inductions in general. For this reason, computers can not yet be programmed to perform inductions, unless in those few and rather "simple" cases where all possibilities can be mathematically calculated and then one by one evaluated, e.g. in computer chess playing.

Nonetheless, this very important process can be enhanced, often up to a very satisfying level, by a number of techniques, which strengthen the factors which usually facilitate the spontaneous integration process.


Auxiliary integrative techniques are intellectual tools to enhance the largely unconscious integration process. They aim at providing our brain with the elements that, as experience shows, usually enhance the spontaneous integration process.

Aimed aspects

Although not entirely described, the integration process includes several aspects, that can be stimulated by some auxiliary techniques. Three aspects are aimed to:

1) Collecting material

As well practical illustrations and variations of the phenomena we're studying are collected, as a great number of divergent views.

2) Insight stimulation

A maximum of analogies is collected, and techniques of trying to reformulate and logically restructure the material.

Verbalizing, by spoken word of wriiting, proves high;ly fertile, much more than just reflecting.

3) Motivational stimulation

As making integrations is a blind search, we easily become frustrated and give up. Moreover, as it often is a creative approach, usually nothing is urgent and nobody is waiting for our contribution, so, again, it's easy to abandon.

The Techniques

We describe some significant techniques. They may be combined to increase the creative outcome. One thing is sure: spontaneous thinking, i.e. without inspiration and without inspiring structuring, apparently is the poorest form of thinking.

1. Diversified experience

Definition. This technique aims at collecting diversified experience in the field we are studying.

Historical Illustrations. This is perhaps the most fertile technique, and is applied since centuries. It appears from the bopgraphy of the most inventive philosophers, scientists and artists, that they made long voyages to several intersting regions. In fact, most of ancient Greek philosophers and scientists lived ouside the Greek continent, in places where they could experience a cross-fertilization. To describe just two of the most excelling, Hippocrates, Pythagoras and Archimede: Hippocrates studied the several medical pratices in several place around the Aegaean and the Black Sea, and finally settled on the Greek Island of Cos, near nowadays' Turkish coast. He was not only a physician, but a gifted mathematician as well, another opportunity for crossfertilization. The story of Pythagoras is still more impressive: he passed through Egypt and Babylonia, and finally ended up in Croton, a Greek colony in the south of Italy. Even Archimedes made a long stay in Alexandria, Egypt, before settling in Syracuse, Sicily. Jazz music is invented in the States where the rhythmic and improvisational negro music was crossfertilized with tradityional and classical western music, rich in harmony but poor in rhythm and improvisation. Also Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was exiled by his conservative religious superiors, and after studying in England and teaching in Egypt, he passed much of his life in China, with expeditions to Africa and Asia, to end up in New York where he lived the last years of his life.

Applications. Study trips, especially if one can have an open contact with the people really performing the job, is very inspiring. One must have a concrete image of what competitors are realizing.

Example. If one reflects about the ideal education, one could start by reviewing such diverse educational and pedagogical approaches as scouting and youth movement, traditional schools, schools abroad, an exclusive elite school, medieval artistical training, psychotherapy, progressive school curricula (Steiner, Freinet, Froebel, Kurt Hahn,etc.)

2. Confronting Theories

Definition. This technique consists in collecting as much visions and theories as possible.

Description. Of course, theories are not the same as real experiences, but it helps us to gather most of important elements and factors linked with the topic we try to synthesize. It is not cessarily the most eduicated people that contribute the best ideas. When ons prepares a paper, collecting an unstructured list of free associations from some unprepared people usually yields many useful ideas, of course still to elaborate.

Applications. In preparing papers, speeches, we can use this technique. Brainstorming is an organized way to do this. And nowadays Internet provides us with a practically unlimited source of associations.

3. Progressive Exploration

Definition. This 

For some completely new fields of experience --e.g. heart surgery, aeronautics-- there's no way to learn form existing experiences, at elast not for the core aspects of the project.

Collecting evidence
- collecting situations where some principles are intuitively applied
- collecting theories/ideas probably describing aspects of the global process / brainstorming / contrasting
- progressive exploration from scratch / digressive

Insight stimulation:
- verbalizing
- schematizing, GST

Motivational: as it is a blind search, we easily become frustrated. As it is a creative approach, usually nothing is urgent
- challenge, discussion, eGroups
- deadline

[1] Roose, K., 

Released 12/5/02 by Kris Roose